Complete Cosmetics, Inc. presents
Premiere Collection Skin Care
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or email completecosmetics@gmail.com
Colleen R. Moon, President

Incredibly Colleen R. MoonColleen celebrates her 54th year in the cosmetic industry. The emphasis being cosmetic specialty store retailing. As Director of Marketing for an International Cosmetics chain and National Sales Representative for nationally known companies, Colleen was responsible for creating new products and directing the sales force in eleven western states. She is responsible for establishing hundreds of women and men in their own cosmetic businesses. Colleen lectures throughout the United States to consumers, guiding them in choosing the proper skin care system for healthy skin to meet the changing environment. She has been a guest speaker and lecturer. Colleen appears on television and radio to teach the common sense approach to caring for your skin.
From 1981 to present, Colleen has been President of Complete Cosmetics Inc., an International marketing and product distribution company which she founded, specializing in assisting entrepreneurs in promoting cosmetics in a specialty store environment. For CCI, she created a 30 piece cosmetics line, consisting of skin care products and marketing materials. The Premiere Collection Skin Care Cosmetic products are currently sold in a variety of specialty stores and salons across the United States, Canada, Australia and Asia. It has been Colleens' pleasure and privilege to be a part of their success. Our products are instrumental in reducing wrinkles, improving acne and problem skin. Contact us for more information.
From Colleens' education at the University of Southern California, to Nationally known Cosmetic Companies, there has never been a time that Colleen has not looked forward to being a part of this great industry.